Tread Extraction Using Skeletonizing

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Abstract :

As an important car component, the tires rely on tread to increase grip force and achieve greater driving safety. However, tires are also a consumable; they wear off over time and long-term wear causes gradual functional degradation of tread leading to problems, such as slippage, tire explosions, and air leakage. Therefore, a technique to extract tread using two major tread patterns and then define the borders of ROI on the basis of four criteria. For the previously mentioned criteria, three threshold values T1, T2, and T3 are defined. For detailed definitions, please refer to the study of Hung et al.[1]. The procedure and criteria of their algorithm are as follows. skeletonizing of the smooth region (ETUS) is proposed in this study to overcome the weakness of the texture-based region of Interest (TBRI) algorithm [1].

Keyword :

component; tire; tread; inspect; TBRI, DRLTP, ETUS
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