To evaluate the effectiveness of selected intervention in reducing level of pain perception among primi gravida mothers

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Abstract :

AIM To evaluate the effectiveness of massage therapy in terms of level of pain perception among primi gravida mothers PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING The study was conducted in Nirmala Hospital, in Suryapet, Telugana, India in with 700 annual births. The primi gravida mothers were recruited and were allocated by non-probability purposive sampling technique into the two arms of the study, but only 20 in study and 20 in control group participants. INTERVENTION The study group received massage therapy to apply sacrum, buttocks, shoulders, waist, foot and hand during active phases of labour. The massage therapy was given by investigator for 20 minutes again the same step is repeated in a 10 minutes interval. MEASUREMENT AND FINDINGS In active stage of labour (3-6 cm of cervical dilatation) the women completed the demographic and obstetrical information and pain was measured by 0- 10 Modified combined numerical categorical pain intensity scale. This study revealed that there was high significant difference found in pain at p
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