The potential of jute crop for mitigation of greenhouse gas emission in the changing climatic scenario

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Article type :

Review Article

Author :

A.K. Singh

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Global warming is steadily increasing and impacting on highly vulnerable developing countries. Agriculture which is an essential sector for most of developing countries contributing to climate change with greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and suffering from the effects of climate change. The challenge of feeding the population and reducing agricultural GHG emissions requires the successful transfer of climate-friendly agricultural and land use practices to farmers serving adaptation and mitigation needs. Jute crop have the potential to absorb and fix carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, save for the carbon released back through the application of agro-chemical inputs and use of fossil fuels in the management of jute production systems. The paper reviews the relationship between carbon sequestration, jute crop management systems and the effects on greenhouse gases. This may help in identifying the point to improve environmental efficiency and accessing opportunities for carbon trading, contribute to the development of sustainable technologies to manage GHG emissions and global warming.

Keyword :

Jute, carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas, GHG mitigation, climate
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