The potential of development of medical and improving tourism in the Pavlodar Region

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Abstract :

In article, the resource capacity of the Pavlodar region is considered, the factors promoting and limiting development of medical and improving tourism are analyzed. Measures for development of medical and improving tourism in the Pavlodar region are offered. As a prerequisite for the development of tourism using recreational and geographic assessment. The study, conducted by the evaluation method in the same area that is compatible with the use of the territory of the local tourism and recreational tourism and recreational potential for the assessment of Kazakh research methods. State National Park Bayanauyl as an example of the exploitation of natural resources in the development of tourism in the way to the signing of a comprehensive study assessment. As an object of research in the field of tourism and recreation, and the current state of tourism involves an integrated study. As well as the identification and evaluation of natural and socio-economic conditions for the development of a comprehensive study. Prospects for further development in the field of recreation is the timely provision of quality services to tourism and recreation, save the environment at the appropriate level, define a new direction for the recreational use of the environment. Shore Zhasybai Sabyndykol, Toraigyr were taken under protection, as they are considered promising for tourism. It is convenient to conduct tours and travel routes. The evaluation identified the necessary resource base for tourists, and the possibility of their use.

Keyword :

Resources, tourism, medical and improving tourism, wellness-tourism.
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