The Study of Urticaria and Its Management With Apis Mellifica and Dulcamra Name and address

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Abstract :

Urticaria is a commonly seen clinical condition where there is a transient eruption of raised and circumscribed erythematous or oedematous swellings of superficial dermis, associated with itching. Urticaria is also known as nettlerash or hives. It charecterised by weals-spots or patches of raised red or white skin.each of which usually clears away in a few hours to be replaced by other fresh wheals.typically occurs on face ,hands and feet although any where can be affected. Homoeopathy offers effective and permanant solutions to urticaria. Urticaria often occurs at different times or together in the same person. They occur in about 15% population at the same time or the other in their lives, womens being affected more commonly then men. Homoeopathy has maximum scope in the treatment of urticaria ,as modern medicines has nothing more to offer other then antihistaminics. The correct Homoeopathic Similimum when selected on the basis of intensity of disease as well as systemic causes, emotional & numerous other factors commonly affecting the condition, administered in minute dose stimulates the body’s defense mechanism boosts up the immunity & develop resistance against disease.

Keyword :

Urticaria, Homoeopathy, Erythematous, Synthesis
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