The Orthodox Periodicals and Its Place in the Modern Media System in Russia

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Igor Ashmarov

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

This article discusses the main stages of the historical formation and development of religious media in Russia, as well as their modern existence. In this work, we clarify some specific features of religious periodicals in comparison with the secular print press in Russia. The fact that the church has its own media makes it more independent and independent in expressing its point of view regarding various social and political problems in modern society. It also allows the church to pursue its own policy in the most important sphere of national and religious relations, in relation to certain groups of the countrys population. The discourse of the Russian Orthodox Church in the domestic media originated in the XIXth century. The current topical discourse of the Russian Orthodox Church in contemporary print and electronic Russian media is extremely important for the mentality of Russian citizens and society as a whole. This paper considers the system of Russian Orthodox media, which is part of the Russian media system.

Keyword :

Orthodoxy, religious periodicals, discourse of the Russian Orthodox Church, Russian print media.
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