The Key Role of Working Memory: The Contribution of the Late Professor Alex H. Johnstone

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Norman Reid

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Abstract :

Starting with the known areas where students find difficulty learning in the sciences, Johnstone directed research students in a series of studies that led eventually to the key understanding that the limited capacity of working memory controlled thinking, extent of understanding and success in problem solving. It has long been known that subjects like mathematics, chemistry and physics are regarded as difficult. Science students have to deal with different concepts, symbols, equipments, equations etc. Johnstone addresses key issues related to learning such as specific areas of difficult learning and reasons of such learning difficulties. Johnstone research pointed to simple ways by which difficulties could be reduced. In learning, the role of working memory is very much significant. The capacity of working memory is found to be fixed genetically and cannot be expanded. However, it can be used more efficiently but this seems to depend on growing knowledge and experience and not on formal instruction. When the number of pieces of information gets to be near the capacity of ‘short-term memory’, performance suddenly collapses. This review outlines the way he approached the research, his key findings, their implications for l

Keyword :

Working memory, information load, chunking, over load
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