The Impact of Floods on Fish Cultivation Business in Floating Net Cages in Sungai Alang Village, Karang Intan District, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Irma Febrianty,Idianor Mahyudin,Dina Camelia,Ayu Amalia,Nur Safira Rahmi

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The flood that hit Sungai Alang Village resulted in many floating net cages being lost in the flood, so many farmers lost their cages and caused losses for fish farmers. The aims of the study were to analyze: 1. The economic impact of floating net cage fish cultivators' losses. 2. The impact of social losses experienced by fish farmers. This study uses a survey method, the analysis used is business analysis and descriptive. The results of the analysis of the impact of flooding on fish cultivation in floating net cages in Sungai Alang village: 1. The economic impacts that occur are the loss of cages, loss of fish and damage to nets which result in farmers' losses. 2. The social impacts that occur are affecting the education of family members who continue to university cooperation from the community in dealing with flood disasters, changes in business due to flooding from fish farming in cages to fishing, gardening, cutting sap, raising chickens and selling vegetable.

Keyword :

Flood, floating net cages, impact, economy, social
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