The Dowry System in India

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Sadia Gondal

Volume :


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Abstract :

The concept of dowry system dates back to the ancient Roman and Greek Civilization, (Anderson, 2007). Historically, some areas of Europe, America, East and South Asia have been victimized by the custom of dowry. With progression and modernization, there has been a significant decline in the importance of dowry system in many societies. On the other hand, India is facing dowry inflation since the last five decades due to the customs and tradition that are deeply rooted in their society, (Anderson, 2003). Every year thousands of brides are injured, burnt or killed by their family members in the South Asian communities, primarily in India and Pakistan for the reason being that the bride’s father was unable to meet the dowry demands imposed by her in-laws, (Menski, 1998). Dowry was formerly a method of providing financial help to the newly weds. The present system of dowry has completely changed the concept of marriage. Marriage was a sacred institution grounded on love and cordial relationship between the husband and wife. Now, it is merely a business between the two families negotiating over dowry demands (Knapp, n.d.). Bride deaths are increasing at a fast rate, despite having laws, increasing literacy rate and organizational efforts. The problem of dowry still prevails in the Indian society, depicting the strong hold of materialism and self-interests.

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