The Curious Case of Disappearing Natural Ecosystems: A Case of the Amazon Rainforest

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Souhardhya Chakraborty

Volume :


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Abstract :

Earth's climate has been naturally changing over the billions of years of its history. This change has been slow and gradual. However, over the past century the Earth's climate has undergone a drastic change due to anthropogenic activities, and necessitated global conventions on controlling this climate change. This human induced climate change is influenced by a variety of factors and are part of a myriad complex mechanisms. One of them being imbalances induced in the Earth's natural systems by anthropogenic activities. Large scale natural ecosystems which are responsible for the maintaining the ecological and environmental balance of the Earth have been steadily shrinking. Since the latter half of the last century the rate of their disappearance has undergone a sharp increase. The roots of this phenomena lie in human's ever increasing population and sustaining its consequent needs. While technological advances have ensured that the needs of the human population are met, however, this has come at the cost of disrupting the natural balance of Earth, thereby, blatantly flouting the established global conventions on sustainable development and climate change. This article traces this case through the disappearance of the Amazon Rainforest due to anthropogenic influences and the role this plays in contributing to global climate change.

Keyword :

Climate Change Sustainable Development Tragedy of Commons Amazon Fire Carbon Sink Deforestation
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