Synthesis of Antler Antlers, for Research on Neuropeptide Y, in Relation to Calcitonin, at the Ligament Level

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Dominique Pianel

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Abstract :

The horizontal and multidisciplinary study gives depth to our clinical approach and comparative anatomy can be used to understand the physiological behaviours for this study. The production of nearly 14 kilos of bone in the antlers, in less than 100 days in the Red Deer is the trigger for the research. Embryology is a relational guide between the mandible, the desmodontal ligament and the stomach which are also under the influence of the functions of the neuropeptide Y which we propose to study. Powerful orexigenic, because it increases the level of insulin and consequently the reserve, lipido-glucidic, it is its hypotensive natriuretic activity which positions the NPY in the neuropeptides with digestive prevalence. Its involvement in the calcium chain means that NPY will be studied in spectrography and immunofluorescence in our research, at the ligament level to reflect, biomechanics in a sense of functional and chemical stimulation.

Keyword :

Neuropeptide Y, Antler, Calcitonin, Comparative anatomy
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