Stress as a limiting factor in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

K. Shamya* and L. Prema

Volume :


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Abstract :

Stress has a role in the aetiology of Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM ) both as a predictor and as a prognostic factor. Psychological factors have been shown to impair glycaemic control and increase the risk of complications due to diabetes mellitus. The present study was conducted with an objective to assess the influence of stress on the management of T2DM. A cross sectional survey was conducted among 500 T2DM patients in five districts of North Kerala namely Kasargod, Calicut, Malappuram, Wayanad and Palakkad with a pre tested questionnaire.A dichotomous scale was used to assess the seven theoretical mediating domains that influence stress of the T2DM patients. Based on the positive and negative response of the patient stress score was developed and categorised as mild, moderate and severe stress score.The different factors influencing the quality of life of aT2DM were statically analysed with SPSS Statistics Version 21. In the present study stress is negatively linked with increasing age and gender. A positive association of stress was found among patients with low income with no job and poor educational background.Diabetes patients who did not exercise regularly had seven times higher stress score (87.8%) than who did it regularly (18.8%). Recreational activities including reading books and use of internet or social media had a positive influence on stress than TV and radio like media. Stress had a positive association with the duration, HbA1c level and complications of the disease; when stress level increased occurrence of complications also increased.Regarding their medication insulin using patients had severe stress score (62.2%). The above findings led to a conclusion that stress had a positive influence on T2DM.

Keyword :

T2DM, Dichotomous scale, Mild stress score, Moderate stress score, Severe stress score
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