Stress Assessing System through Verbal and Non-Verbal Gestures using Raspberry Pi

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

D.Lakshmi ,G.Priyadharshini

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

— The computer vision based stress identification system observes the non verbal gestures such as facial expressions using camera and verbal gestures such as Speech using microphone. While combining the observations on speech and gestures, the system produces high level context sensitive interpretation of human behaviour. The automatic stress prediction is done based on a decomposition of stress into a set of intermediate level variables. This model has an extra edge that uses ARM11 processor and acoustic model in which the processor finds the contour points based on stress identified from nonverbal gestures of a person and the acoustic model which stores voice modulation data in various frequencies. System will compare those observations and send the stress information about the person to the service desk. The goal is to provide a surveillance system that notifies the stress levels

Keyword :

Stress, surveillance, speech, gestures, total harmonic distortion, modulation, affective computing, stress recognition.
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