State performance in crises: A proposal for action for Brazil

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Ernani Contipelli,Daniel Francisco Nagao Menezes

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The great challenge for government action at these times is to devise strategies that bring together at the same time: the ability to encompass different dimensions of the problem; mechanisms for dialogue and articulation with the multiple actors with competence to affect the measures put into action and the speed of response consistent with the urgency of the effects resulting from the pandemic. The text will analyze the challenges and responses of the Brazilian State to the COVID-19 crisis, based on multidimensionality and intersectoriality. Three points will be discussed in the article: a) political-institutional articulation between different governmental and non-governmental sectors; b) elaboration of a national pandemic containment; c) establishment of transparency mechanisms for ongoing actions and communication with society.

Keyword :

Political Science; state; Brazil; policy making; public policy; pandemic; coronavirus
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