Soil nutrient status under various land use systems in Padampur, Chitwan of Nepal

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Krishna Bohara,Prakash Khanal

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Abstract :

Various land systems show various soil properties and understanding the variation in soil properties within farmland use is essential. Thus, the study was conducted from July 2019 to September 2019 in Padampur, Chitwan of Nepal to examine the soil nutrient conditions of various land use systems by designing in Randomized Complete Block Design. Different land use systems silvipasture, forest land, fodder land, low land, upland and grass land were taken to conduct a study and each land system was replicated four times in different fields. Different land systems showed very low, low and medium total nitrogen content, high and very high available phosphorus, low and high potassium content, very low organic matter and neutral to alkaline pH. Among various land use systems, grass land had the highest total nitrogen percentage (0.11%) and fodder land recorded the highest available phosphorus (120.10 kg/ha). Further, the highest potassium content (134.59 kg/ha) was obtained in low land, forest land recorded the highest soil organic matter (0.31%) and the highest pH (7.94) was obtained in silvipasture.

Keyword :

nutrient, soil, land
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