Socio-economic and psychological problems faced by married working women

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Sharanbir Kaur Bal

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Woman has to perform many roles in her life both at home and work place. She has always been a multitasker who is handling several duties of her job, kitchen, family, house, society, personal health, passion and desires. Balancing between so many duties and obligations, a woman faces numerous challenges and problems every day, every time, and may be every minute or second. In carrying out all the responsibilities single handedly women are over strained and get exhausted. There are many reasons and problems that forced women to work. In the modern times the financial demands on the families are increasing day by day. Increased cost of living, expenses on education of children, and cost of housing properties raised are the few reasons that force every family to look for ways and means of increasing the household income. As a result, women in India who were mostly known as homemakers are forced to go for jobs and take up even careers that were considered only suitable for men such as working in odd hours. Keeping in view the double pressure of work on the working women a study was planned to know the socio-economic and psychological problems faced by married working women both at work and home level. The result indicated that women faced many problems due to dual work pressure like stress, fatigue, neglect of children, role conflict and over load of work and difficult colleagues which ultimately effect their health particularly due to the withdrawal of any support system.

Keyword :

Socio-economic, Psychological, Problems
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