Social Media in Agricultural Extension

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Abstract :

The access to information is being an influential issue, and the ones with the contemporary information carry potential to grab the opportunities and benefits in our globalized society. The evolution of social media has changed the sphere of human lives and redefined the pattern and network of communication and interaction. With the increased use of social media, it is the subject of challenge for extension to stay relevant with the cliental in this digitalized era. This article reflects the role of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media as the extension’s repertoire of methods for education, communication, program implementation, and marketing; and how it allows the extension professionals in building the social networks with the cliental online and transfer the social capital to offline world. As these media provide platform for the people with specific interests to connect and share knowledge and technologies through certain means such as developing groups or pages; it helps society to socialize, and the extension professionals need to consider this platform for the effective program implementation and analyze how these media can influence the outcome delivery to the cliental.

Keyword :

Key words: Agricultural extension, education, marketing, social media, SWOT
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