Social Media Effects on General Elections Turn-Out in Pakistan

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Muhammad Imran

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Abstract :

The current study investigates the impact of social networking sites on voter participation in Pakistan's national elections. This research was done in Bahawalpur, which is known as a princely state and is considered the centre of Southern Punjab. A total of n=195 respondents were chosen using the Stratified Random Sample technique, with males and females ranging in age from 18 to 60. For data collection, a survey method was utilized, and a questionnaire was created with 15 closed-ended questions. The current research was carried out using the Uses and Gratification Theory and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. According to the findings, social media has a significant positive impact on Pakistan's current political condition. Furthermore, the findings revealed that social media has increased people's awareness of the importance of voting for the country and the advancement of democracy. Furthermore, social media attracts more people to participate in the political process during elections. The study goes on to say that social media plays a significant impact in raising voter turnout in general elections.

Keyword :

Social Media, General Elections, Voting Turn-out
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