Smart Dustbin

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Rushiraj Yadav ,Shiban Radhanpuri ,Rishabh Agrawal

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

This paper is about smart dustbin designed by combining the knowledge of internet of things, sensors and electronics. The dustbin is made with low cost approach and will have a unique ID so that each dustbin can be identified on the online database. The dustbin will display data on the screen about how much the dustbin is filled and that same data is sent on the online database (cloud), then to the Ahmedabad Municipal corporation office (AMC). Thus, when the dustbin is completely full, authority will get notification and then authority will send pickup vans for collecting waste. The project also has a GSM module which will be used to send SMS on the mobile number of AMC authority when dustbin is not able to connect to internet.

Keyword :

Ultrasonic Sensor, LCD, GSM, Wemos D1, IOT
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