Smart City

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Dr. Yasir Zafar Khan,

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

India has witnessed massive growth in its urban population and it is envisaged that the urban population will double to 750 million by 2050. For decades our policy planners and city administrators have been facing challenges such as large influx from rural areas, land and water pollution, inefficient use of resources, unplanned growth, sub-standard delivery of urban services, huge infrastructure gap. To accommodate this enormous and unprecedented surge in urban population it is imperative that India needs to develop new cities as our existing cities are over saturated and poorly managed. The new Government which has announced its intent to develop '100 Smart Cities' is a refreshing approach. It is anticipated to comprise a mix of up-grading the existing cities and building new cities or Greenfield cities.

Keyword :

Smart City, FDI, Energy efficiency, Demand Management, Environmental Sustainability
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