Sleep is a complex programme in-built in the human body naturally

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Sleep, one of the greatest gifts showered to the human society by the grace of god. Sleep brings peace and harmony in one’s life. Sleep is a natural process or in the broad sense it can be said that, it is a programme that is built in the human body. The human brain is like a battery and it needs seven hour sleep to get recharged. Ayurveda, the origin of Indian system of medicine has given priority for proper sleep. Ayurveda has regarded sleep as one of the sub-pillars of the human life. As the human society is changing day by day the longevity of the human world is also declining day by day and here it can be said that improper sleep can be regarded as one of the liable factor for changing the physiological de-arrangement of the human body. Due to the de-arrangement of the physiological process, several clinical characteristics are prevailing in the human society which is not a good feature for the human world. Ayurveda has given a very distinct thought in this regard and said that improper sleep can even lead to death of the person.
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