Self-Medication: Awareness and attitude among undergraduate medical students in a Medical college of Haryana

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Srishti Singh

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Introduction: The practice of self-medication is becoming more common worldwide and currently plays a major role in self-care. The objectives of our study were to determine the perception and level of awareness, attitude and pattern of self-medication among the medical students. Methods: The study was conducted among 464 MBBS students of a medical college of Haryana using a self-administered questionnaire from March- April, 2016. Results: 84% participants consumed OTC medications which commonly were supplements and vitamins followed by painkillers, flu/cough remedies and sore throat products. Easy access, convenience and time saving were the most frequent reasons for self-medication. Conclusion: Lack of awareness regarding drug interaction is an issue that warrants further intervention by increasing the knowledge so as to prevent adverse events from the drugs.

Keyword :

Awareness, Drugs, Over-the-counter, Self-medication

Doi :

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