Article type :

Original article

Author :

Mehmet Emirhan KULA,An?l TARI

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

There are different kinds of schools for pupils to attend and get educated. Charter schools are one those options, which are “publicly funded elementary and secondary schools that have been freed some of the rules, regulations, and statutes that apply to other public schools, in exchange for some type of accountability for producing certain results, which are set forth in each charter school’s charter” (www.nea.org). In this article, firstly, a brief explanation of the importance of education is presented as the introduction which states, many studies indicate that there is an increase in the enrollment of the schools, however, there are studies demonstrating that not all public school pupils are successful enough. Second, the background of charter schools in the U.S. and charter school financing are identified. This study are presents that there is a significance increase of the enrollment of charter schools. Following this, the overall principal issues (both charter and public school principals) are discussed. This study is also highlighted that, the leadership of charter school principals is an essential aspect of the success of charter school. Finally, although the overall success of charter schools is much better than public school, transformational leadership is suggested as the position of the authors which is argued to improve the overall success of charter schools.

Keyword :

Charter Schools, Public Schools, Principals, Transformational Leadership
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