S S D P P Labelling of Snake Graphs

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Abstract :

In SSDPP labelling, vertices of the graph are numbered with first (p-1) whole numbers and the edges (e = ab) with |{f(a)}2 +{f(b)}2-f(a)f(b)|, where f(u) is the label of the vertex u. Greatest common divisor of the values of all edges incident on a vertex is called greatest common incidence number. The greatest common incidence number of each vertex of degree greater than or equal to 2 is one ,then the graph is called sum of the squares and product prime labelling. Here we investigate triangular snake graph, quadrilateral snake graph , pentagonal snake graph , comb triangular snake graph for the labelling .

Keyword :

sum of squares, incidence number, prime labelling, ssdpp graph.
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