Russian Interaction With Western Countries in the Military-Industrial Sphere

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Ekaterina Bozyukova, Artem Yagodnitsin

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The article discusses the interaction of Russia with Western countries in the military-industrial sphere at the beginning of the XXI century. Due to the fact that the military-industrial complex (MIC) of Russia remains a key aspect of the development of not only military-specialized facilities, but also the majority of facilities focused on providing civilian industry - light, food, woodworking, chemical industries, in this regard, a special attention is paid to the role of the military-industrial complex in the countrys economy, the role of the export of military equipment and its specific impact on relations with Western countries is revealed.The military-industrial complex serves not only as the basis for ensuring national security, but also in military-technical cooperation with other countries. The beginning of the XXI century for Russia was an important period of rethinking the reforms of the 1990s. Putins victory in the Russian presidential election in 2000 marked the beginning of a new phase of political and military reform. Currently, there are processes associated with the supply of weapons, military equipment to other countries in the conditions of instability of the modern world system, which also cannot be denied.The main question is how, in the context of internal reforms and external, not always successful interaction, to return to the previous level of influence on the world stage.

Keyword :

military-technical cooperation, military industry, Russia, Western European countries.
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