Role of imaging in etiological diagnosis of childhood seizures

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Swapan Kumar Ray*,Dipankar Das**, Anasua Datta***, Satyaki Das****

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Background: Seizure is the manifestation of abnormal brain electrical activity that causes momentary alteration of behavior and consciousness. Thus in this present study, the etiology of childhood seizures has been established with the help of structural neuro-imaging. Methods: The Case-Control Study was performed on 96 children of age group 1 month – 5 years presenting with seizures in the Pediatric department of Institute Of Child Health, Kolkata for a period of one and a half years. Results: The study showed 23 out of 96 cases (42.59%) had seizures due to an infectious etiology. 11 out of 96 cases (20.37 %) suffered seizures because of developmental/ congenital brain lesions. Perinatal causes ranked next highest (12.96%) Conclusions: we have established that neuroimaging specially MRI had an incredible role to play in the etiological diagnosis of childhood seizures. There was a strong association between positive neurological signs and symptomatic seizure.

Keyword :

seizure, epilepsy, developmental delay, neuroimaging
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