Role of a Teacher – According to Swami Vivekananda

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Original Article

Author :

Payel Dutta

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Abstract :

The word ‘Education’ comes from the word ‘Educatum’, ‘Educare’ etc. Educare means to nourish, to bring up and Bengali meaning is Shiksha. The word ‘Shiksha’ is derived from the word ‘Shah’ which meaning is to control or to discipline. Only an ideal teacher can help to bring up or control a student. So Vivekananda told that teacher is the most important person in society. Education is a method of overall development. Both of Teacher and student are included in the method from the pre-historical period. They are depended on each other. Because the teacher teaches through some method to student and student follows that method. The students are able to develop their own soul. So the teacher is called educator. Now the most important matter is that they would be taking part in the honor in this process. No education is completed without anyone participation. So Adams in his book ‘Evolution to Education Theory’ said that education is a bipolar process in which one personality effects by another personality. Another personality is called the teacher. In this process, the teacher plays a most important role. Because Swami Vivekananda said that Education is not only gathering some information from the book. Education has been present in our own soul since birth. So it is an intrinsic issue which is manifested by the only teacher who is introduced as an external issue. Vivekananda said that teacher would be a good personality, knowledgeable, etc for character building of student. In this article I want to discuss from the view of Swami Vivekananda about some teaching method and why Swami Vivekananda told role of a teacher and character of a teacher are a most important path, where is a relation between the character of a teacher and overall manifestation of a student, etc.

Keyword :

Teaching process, Character of the teacher, Student and teacher relationship
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