Research on Secure Communication Based on QQ Chat Platform

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Yi Cao ,Hao Tang,Jiangang Zhou

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

QQ is China's most widely used instant messaging tool, its security for user security and network security has an important impact. Once a QQ account is hacked, the harm and the impact is terrible, the user loses a lot of friend's information and contact information in a short time and is diffi cult to completely recover. This article will analyze the security of QQ's landing agreement, analyze its security, and point out the security vulnerabilities which exist, and explain the possible attacks that QQ may suff er, and make suggestions for improvement and ways to enhance the security of QQ communication. In addition, this article also conducts a corresponding study of QQ hacking, and puts forward precautionary approaches.

Keyword :

QQ; login agreement; security vulnerability; improvement advice
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