Renal biomarkers in plasmodium infected hepatitis B surface antigen (Hbsag) Sero-positive patients

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Background While co-infection with HBV and malaria is a major public health problem in large areas of the world, the mutual interactions between the two pathogens are poorly understood. Aim and Objective This study is designed to investigate the renal biomarkers in plasmodium infected HBsAg seropositive patients. Method Semi structured and pre tested questionnaires were administered to 100 participants to obtain their demographic information. From each individual subject, 5 ml of blood sample was obtained via venopuncture from the subjects using vacoutainer needle which was used for parasitological analysis and to obtain the serum for the serological detection of the HbsAg, serum creatinine, uric acid and GST. Result There was a significant difference (P < 0.05) in mean values of GST, uric acid and serum creatinine when control subjects was compared among plasmodium falciparum infected patients (PM), hepatitis B virus infected patients and patients co-infected with both organisms. Conclusion With regards to the following result, there is a significant alteration in serum level of creatinine, uric acid and glutathione s transferase among patients co-infected with malaria and hepatitis B virus.
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