Relationship of 5G Communication Technologies and Covid-19: Discourse of Mental Perception of Supporters, Opposers and Reality

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Ghulam Safdar

Volume :


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Abstract :

Since the last January 2020, a rumor sparks out that 5G technologies cause coronavirus. Soon this rumor spread like wildfire and soon this idea formed conspiracy theory and till the end of April 2020, there were reported more than 30 cases of burning 5G towers in Europe. Keeping in mind the idea of conspiracy theory, researcher tried to discourse the existing literatures on the issue from January 2020 to April 2020. The researcher collected data from various platforms who gave representation to both groups i.e., supporters of the idea “conspiracy theory” and opposers of idea “World Health Organization (WHO), International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) etc.”. Data was analyzed and wording and themes of discussions concluded into real facts. From the discourse of various literatures and on the basis of facts and figures, it is concluded that there is no relationship among 5G technologies and coronavirus. Supporter of the group “conspiracy theory” is just based on false assumptions and fake allegations that have no facts. Reality is that coronavirus is physically transmitted by droplets rather than radio waves of 5G technologies.

Keyword :

5G Technologies, Covid-19, Supporters, Opposers, Reality
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