Real Time E-metering and Automation of KCT College Campus using an Android Mobile App and LAMP Technology

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Abstract :

Automation is the technology stemming from web of things. To make a smart world to provide comfort for human life is the main focus of the researchers. In the current automated industry Embedded systems and IOT (Internet of Things) is becoming highly efficient and mandatory to exhibit the potential market. While performing various operations, power consumption and efficiency is an important issue with the comfort level of user. The combination of embedded technology and IOT is represented by using E-controller which is the appropriate one for system’s energy consumption and efficiency experiments with size factor. The main objective of the system is real time information and data monitoring of energy consumption. The proposed system introduces the implementation of IOT using embedded technology to simplistic the peripheral circuit and to lower the power consumption, thereby providing a high quality solution for a Smart Hostel Management and Information system.

Keyword :

Internet of things (IOT), PIC 16F877A, E-Metering, HTTP Protocol, LAMP Web Technology
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