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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Dr. Meenakshi Verma

Volume :


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Abstract :

Tamaka shwasa is a disease in which patients experience severe symptoms of respiratory distress with extreme weakness, fatigue and mental glooming. Tamaka shwasa is one among the Pranavaha Sroto Vikara, characterized by cardinal symptoms due to vitiated Vata and Kapha which originates in Pittasthana, namely Adhoamashaya. It affects the Hrudya and Rasadi Dhatu. Due to the etiological factors as described in the Nidana of Shwasa Vyadhi, the increased Vata Dosha enters into the Pranavaha Srotas and gets vitiated. The vitiated Vata stimulates Urastha Kapha Dosha and produces Shwasa Roga, which can be life-threatening. In the specific Samprapti of Shwasa Roga, obstruction in the Pranavaha Srotas is the prime pathology. When Kapha along with Vata obstructs the Srotas, as a result of which the Vata itself gets obstructed and moves in all directions in the body resulting in shwasa roga. Asthma is defined as a disorder characterized by chronic air way. Inflammation and increased airway responsiveness to a variety of stimuli. It manifested physiological by a widespread narrowing of air passage which may be relieved spontaneously or as a result of therapy and, clinically by the paroxysm of dyspnoea, cough and wheezing. Asthma is an episodic disease with acute exacerbation, interspersed with symptoms free episodes. The drug Shrungyadi Shaarkar consists Karkatashrungi, Sunthi, Pippali, Maricha, Kachura, Nagarmotha, Puskarmula, Sharkara ingredients which excellently balancing each other in Rasa-Panchaka and enhancing the Vatakaphahara, Deepana, Pachana and Vatanulomana properties. The main factor in this disease as in many other diseases is Ama and the Deepana-Pachana properties of the drug will digest the Ama and Sothaharatwa Karma.

Keyword :

Shrungyadi Shaarkar, Tamaka Shwasa, Bronchial Asthma, Ayurveda

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