Provide a model for managing claims regarding the PMBOK standard

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Farshad Shirazi

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Iran is very rich in oil and gas, which is why the Iran government is investing billions of dollars every year in oil and gas facilities to improve the country. The oil and gas refinery construction industry are very complex and involves multidisciplinary contributors. In this environment, many changes and claims appear. Changes and claims are commonly considered negative events, and thus, should be kept away from the project. With considering this concept, this paper presents the results of a study of the types and causes of project claims in the Persian Gulf Star Gas Condensate Refinery project in Bandar Abbas. The data were analyzed and the consequences of this analysis along with advice on how to reduce/prevent claims in construction are then presented.

Keyword :

Change, Claim, PMBOK, Contracts
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