Profiling of male and female internet users: A research study of Punjab Agricultural University

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Vinita Pandey and Kiranjot Sidhu

Volume :


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Abstract :

Advances in technology have caused vital changes in many domains of societal and individual life. No doubt that the internet has become a powerful tool for communication purposes, to exchange ideas and even useful to participate in local, national and international networking. Internet pattern focuses items such as profile of the students and place of accessing internet and time spent on accessing it. The main aim of the study was to examine the gender differences in internet usage pattern among male and female respondents of the university. Proportionate random sampling technique was used to draw a sample of 200 students representing male and female respondents. Questionnaire was used as a data collection tool and the results revealed that majority of the male respondents were accessing internet in the hostels while female students were accessing at home. The average time spent on using internet was found to be maximum in case of male respondents. The difference in time spent on accessing internet between both the genders was found significant while mean time of surfing internet at different places was found significant in case of college computer lab, university library and friends’ home. Male respondents were more active than their female counterpart on accessing internet so it is recommended that female respondents should be made aware about the facilities provided by the university and library resources and capacitated to use them.

Keyword :

Internet usage, Place of access, Time spent, University student, Mode of access
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