Problems of Regulation of Secularism and Religious Principles in Arab Countries

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Mukhammadolim Mukhammadsidiqov

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that the wave of socio-political transformations that began in December 2010 in Tunisia and Algeria, called the Arab Spring, was a phenomenon caused by a difficult internal situation, as well as internal and external factors that triggered these events.The article examines the degree of influence of political Islam on the processes of modernization, geopolitics, as well as socio-political development, including the need to create a scientific basis for regulating religious relations in Arab African countries, which have become a source of instability. In this context, political processes in North Africa and the Middle East are studied. The processes of social and political transformations have influenced the political systems of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and other Gulf countries.

Keyword :

The Arab East, revolution, radical youth, corruption, authoritarianism, confession, clans, national-ethnic, religious-ethnic, The Arab Spring, The Hague Court.
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