Preventing of mental health consequences in children growing up in traumatic times

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Abstract :

With burgeoning natural and manmade disasters, abuse and wide spread poverty, the chance of exposure to trauma is growing. A considerable proportion of children experience traumatic exposures that probably leave indelible imprints in their young minds. Along with the actual trauma, secondary trauma through media is commonplace. Besides the traumatic events, stress in the form of competitions and pressure to excel are adding to the burden. As these negative experiences are becoming crowded, there is a possibility of increased prevalence of stress-related disorders amongst children and adolescents, later in their life, as they grow up. There is a large body of literature connecting traumatic exposures in childhood and adult psychopathologies in various forms and physical illnesses. However, information about preventive efforts and their effectiveness is relatively scarce. This article highlights this growing concern and discusses the need and scope of prevention.

Keyword :

Childhood, trauma, disaster, abuse, psychopathology, prevention, physical illness
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