Prematurely erupted teeth in neonates: A report of three cases

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Article type :

Case Report

Author :

Amina Sultan, Maryam Siddiqui, Akanksha Juneja

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The presence of teeth in a neonate is a rare occurrence. The aetiology of these natal or neonatal teeth is still not established. Their prevalence is considered to be low, more frequently seen in females. They routinely occur in the same position as that of the deciduous dentition and more commonly in the incisor and molar regions of the mandibular arch. It requires an assiduous clinical and radiographic evaluation for diagnosis and pertinent treatment. The dentists and the child’s paediatricians should be well informed about possible clinical complexities such as Riga -Fede disease linked to natal or neonatal teeth. The clinician should consider the overall wellbeing of the infant, before extracting natal/neonatal teeth to prevent the risk associated with hypoprothrombinaemia, Periodic follow-ups should be scheduled to evaluate its recurrences or residual tooth formation.

Keyword :

 Natal tooth, Neonatal tooth, Prematurely erupted teeth, Riga Fede disease, Residual tooth.
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