Posisi Tawar Permendikbud Nomor 27 dan Urgensi Pendidikan Agama dalam Satuan Pendidikan

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Akil Fitra Sholakodin

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 27 of 2016 is a policy made to facilitate adherents of religious beliefs to get the right to education in religion and belief. However, in practice, there are still many obstacles that hinder the implementation of this policy. This obstacle can be seen from the institutional aspect, the service aspect, and the understanding aspect of the relevant stakeholders. This raises the question of how effective Religious Education subjects are for the younger generation in the current context. This paper aims to elaborate on the effectiveness of Religious Education which in practice directs students to be more exclusive, including in this case faith education. This problem if left unchecked will lead to negative excesses in the future. So this paper recommends a change to an inclusive direction within the framework of multicultural education.

Keyword :

indigenous religion; multiculturalism; Religious Education; Permendikbud Number 27
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