Placental mesenchymal dysplasia associated with mesenchymal hamartoma - A case report

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Article type :

Case Report

Author :

Anitha Wilson, Feroze M, Sindhu K Bhaskaran

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Placental mesenchymal dysplasia (PMD) is a rare clinicopathologic entity characterized by placentomegaly and USG features of grape like vesicles resembling partial mole. The gross findings of abnormally enlarged placenta with dilated or aneurysmal blood vessels with histologic evidence of edema of the stem villi with thick walled blood vessels and characteristic absence of trophoblastic proliferation is suggestive of PMD. PMD usually involves a normal fetus, but can be associated with intrauterine growth restriction, still birth and Beckwith Weidmann syndrome in a significant number of cases. Although rare in combination with PMD, it is known to have a poor prognosis than foetuses without structural abnormalities.We report a case of 28 year old second gravida with PMD who delivered a preterm baby with mesenchymal hamartoma, with a favourable outcome in the fetus.

Keyword :

 Placental mesenchymal dysplasia (PMD)
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