Performance of Lagoons in Sewage Treatment in Fort Portal Municipality, Western Uganda

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Richard Rubongoya

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

In January - April 2018, a study was conducted to assess the efficiency of the waste stabilization ponds at the Kabundaire Sewage Treatment Plant located in Fort Portal Municipality, Western Uganda. Physico-chemical and microbiological parameters were measured in the influent and effluent of the lagoons using standard limnomicrobiological procedures. At the influent site, the mean values (mgl?1) of TSS, TDS, BOD, DO, NH4 ? N, NO3?N, TN and TP were 1097.9, 920.0, 891.4, 2.40, 150.0, 0.25, 703.2 and 24.3 respectively. The mean values of turbidity, temperature, EC, pH and TFC were 69.6 NTU, 22.4C, 3139.6 ?Scm?1, 7.8 and 1.19×107 CFU/100 ml respectively. At the effluent site, the mean values (mgl?1) of TSS, TDS, BOD, DO, NH4 ?N, NO3 ?N, TN and TP were 389.0, 465.8, 120.8, 0.34, 49.9, 0.08, 48.7 and 15.4 respectively. The mean values of turbidity, temperature, EC, pH and TFC were 12.2 NTU, 20.9C, 1364.7 ?Scm?1, 8.17 and 4.51 × 105 CFU/100 ml respectively. Most of the parameters were above permissible limits for discharge of effluent proposed by the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA). The poor performance of the facility was attributed to population growth and lack of maintenance.

Keyword :

Efficiency, Fort Portal, NEMA standards, Kabundaire, Lagoons
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