Performance Analysis for Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Spectrum Sensing under AWGN and Rayleigh Fading Channel

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Sabrina Ferdous,Abdullah Al Zubaer,Md. Shahabub Alam,Md. Manik Ahmed,Sujit Kumar Mondal

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Among other applications, being an existing technology cognitive radio has the potentiality to unlock the spectrum which is needed to bring it into effective action for the next generation of high data rate systems. Infarct, in cognitive radio technology spectrum sensing is a basic component. However, if the users feel fading effect, in that matter detection can be compromised. The result of misdirection is that the user cannot be able to discern between an unused band and a deep fade. That is why, to optimize cooperative performance the proposed term is spectrum sensing. The performance of cooperative spectrum sensing is also analyzed by us. In this session the main focus of this paper is to simulate comparison of cooperative with the non-cooperative spectrum sensing about the Rayleigh fading channel based on OR and AND majority rule. It is noticeable that in the presence of cooperation the spectral sensing presence is better by comparing the noncooperation curve with the cooperative curves compared to the Rayleigh fading channel. Additionally, it is also noticeable that the performance of the AND and other majority rules is not as good as OR rule.

Keyword :

AND, channel, OR, rule, study
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