Pengembangan Media iSpring pada Pembelajaran IPA Berbasis STEM untuk Mengembangkan Kreativitas Siswa

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Andini Rahmawati,Retno Triwoelandari,Muhammad Kholil Nawawi

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The research aimed to develop iSpring media on STEM-based IPA learning to develop student creativity. This research method used research and development (R&D). The development model used the ASSURE model. The data analysis techniques used qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Research instruments used questionnaires and observation sheets. Product assessment in the form of questionnaires given to material, language, and media experts. The individual trial was given to 3 students, the small group trial was given to 8 students, and the large group trial was given to 15 students. The results of the research obtained a percentage of eligibility from material aspects with valid categories, language aspects with valid categories, and media aspects with very valid categories. Based on the results, iSpring media on STEM-based science learning to develop students' creativity was feasible to use.

Keyword :

STEM; creativity; iSpring media
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