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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Ade Rahma Ayu, Vidya Fathimah

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

With the thought patterns of many students and parents, after college, they have to work as employees in well-known companies and become permanent employees, so that there are problems that arise, namely the increasing number of unemployed people filled with college graduates, one of the efforts made by the government by entering Entrepreneurship courses into the education curriculum, especially education at the university level. The Entrepreneurship course is intended to broaden students' knowledge of the world of entrepreneurship and motivate them to be directly involved in the world of entrepreneurs as strong young entrepreneurs, so that they can contribute to improving the Indonesian economy. In addition, entrepreneurship is considered an important determinant in rapid economic growth, employment and job creation and positive social development in a country. This study aims to develop an empirical model that examines whether the proactive personality of students and supporters of higher education influences their entrepreneurial intentions. This research is an explanatory research, carried out descriptively or through descriptions that describe and explain the research subject. The approach in this study follows the steps of quantitative research work. Primary data sourced directly from the object of the research, both observation data, and data from structure interviews with respondents using a questionnaire. The population and sample in this study were all students who had taken the Entrepreneurship course in Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) and Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen (STIM) in Medan, which began to stand above 2000. The study was conducted using SPSS version 24.0 software where the results of this study showed that the support of Higher Education and Proactive Personality had a positive and significant effect on the intention of entrepreneurship in private tertiary institutions in Medan City. All constructs forming each variable can explain its existence to latent variables.

Keyword :

entrepreneurship, university support, proactive personality, and entrepreneurial intention
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