PBMAC – Position Based Channel Allocation for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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Abstract :

In Vehicular ad hoc networks road safety and traffic management applications required stable communication channel with minimum disturbances. In vanets vehicles used bandwidth to forward packets towards destination with the help of relay nodes. While exchanging information there are chances of collisions due to improper bandwidth allocation in a network. Some applications such as safety and traffic management required consistent channel conditions. However the design of an efficient medium access control (MAC) is a challenging task due to dynamic topology changes. The existing cluster based TDMA MAC protocols used traffic loads for bandwidth allocation in such a manner position of vehicle in the cluster is not considered. As part of that, vehicles located at end of cluster region can request for channel, as consequence the cluster head (CH) allocates bandwidth based on traffic loads.

Keyword :

Vanets, collision free, cluster and position based MAC, QoS, and Queue theory
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