Origin of Words in English Literature: A Brief Study of Some Words

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Dr. N.S.R. Murthy

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The discussion of creativity is very large as its credibility in various fields of works – may be literary or non-literary is endless or limitless. There is no sphere of activity in the universe without having creativity. The word ‘creativity’ can be defined in innumerable ways and methods. It is generally said that ‘creativity’ is the characteristic of a person to generate new ideas, thoughts, different alternatives, solutions and possibilities in a unique and multiple ways. It is also opined that it is the ability of conceiving something unpredictable events and it must be expressive. It is the mirror like thing of how beautifully a person can reflect his mind power in any given circumstances. It cannot be concluded that it is a genetic, but can be developed if someone keeps on learning and a comprehending things with a rare and exclusive perception. Creativity is a brain storming and mind blogging activity in which the writers or poets or speakers have to contemplate beyond their imagination for stimulating something worthwhile and it should be useful to the relatively connected events. Some authors opine that creativity leads to innovation. The application of fresh theory or a conceptual work is to create additional values for the organization whether it is business, government, society or anything. What does not exist hitherto whether it is technology, product, kaizen on the basis of a research or search is considered as innovation. Creativity hides lot of absurdity which can be observed in poetry/lyrics, but it is a beautiful and wonderful caricature resulting in utmost enjoyment of the viewers/readers. Fecundity is the soul of literary development. This article is an attempt to focus on the creativity in English language.

Keyword :

Bible Language, Origin of words, Shakespeare’s Creativity, Words created by Error
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