Optimization of the Synergy of the TNI, Polri and Ministry/Institutions in Managing Papua Terrorist Groups to Realize Indonesia's Integrity

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Rantau Isnur Eka,Rizerius Eko Hadisancoko,Lukman Yudho Prakoso

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The security situation in Papua has recently escalated and tends to heat up. Responding to the escalation and violence that occurred in Papua, ensure that the government has categorized the Papuan Armed Criminal Group and all organizations and people who are members of it, and who support the movement, as terrorists. The increasing security situation in the Papua region is an urgency for the need for a comprehensive approach between the TNI, Polri, Satkowil, Regional Government, Ministry and Institutions to synergize in order to reduce the Papua conflict. The theory used in analyzing this problem is the theory of optimization, synergy, counter insurgency, the concept of terrorism, and the concept of national defense. The method that the researcher uses is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, based on the researcher's experience while on duty in Papua. The results of this study indicate that synergies between institutions / ministries have been carried out in the form of dialogue, a soft power approach within the OMSP framework, as well as empowerment of local communities by synergizing with local governments. However, with the ongoing conflict and several escalations that occur, this shows that the synergy is still not optimal enough.

Keyword :

Papua, Synergy, Terrorists, Ministries/Agencies, Armed Criminal Groups
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