Opinion Mining for Mcdonalds Services Using Machine Learning

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Abstract :

The work is carried on opinion mining for McDonald’s services using machine learning. The people’s interest to provide the feedback and review has been uptrend in this modern world. Based on the opinions and reviews inputted by the people, the sentiment classifier classifies the emotion and polarity levels of the review. The opinion mining results helps to make the better decision. For this purpose the opinion of McDonald’s reviews extracted from Twitter API and TripAdvisor API. For the classification of sentiment purpose the Naïve Bayes, SVM and Decision Tree algorithm are utilised. With the help of these algorithms the polarity levels of the opinion are classified as positive, negative and neutral. In addition the Reverse Geocoding algorithm and Google map API mechanism are employed such that it benefits the user to find the best and nearest McDonald’s branch that will display based on the results of opinion mining polarity results.

Keyword :

Opinion Mining, Machine Learning, Naive Bayes, SVM, Reverse Geocoding, Google Map API, Sentiment Classification, polarity, sentiment.
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