Nutritional Composition and Minerals value of Functional Yoghurts from Soursop Fruit, Cowmilk and Goatmilk

Article type :

Original article

Author :

SO Abiona

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Yoghurt is one of the oldest fermented milk products known, its popularity is due to its characteristics; the pleasant aromatic flavour, thick creamy consistency and reputation as food associated with good health. Yoghurts were produced from soursop fruit, cowmilk and goatmilk. The yoghurts produced were subjected to chemical, nutritional and mineral analysis using AOAC methods. There is a slight increase in the moisture content of the soursop juice, cowmilk and goatmilk from (88.55%, 86.36% and 73.32%) to (91.87%, 86.38% and 73.43%) in the yoghurt samples. Also, a slight increase was observed in the fat content of fresh soursop juice, cow and goatmilk samples from (0.00%, 2.03% and 9.70%) to (0.02%, 2.06% and 9.90%) in yoghurt samples. The average vitamin C content of soursop juice was 61.8mg/100ml which later reduced to 16.4mg/100ml in soursop yoghurt.Itis conclusive that the proximate analysis showed that soursop yoghurt had high ascorbic acid content of (16.4mg/100ml) which signifies the potential use of the fruit as a good antioxidant. This study also indicates that the levels of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and sodium were abundant in the yoghurts which reveal that the yoghurts were rich in mineral composition. Also, cowmilk yoghurt enhanced the overall acceptability in terms of colour, flavour, taste and thickness.

Keyword :

Yoghurt, Cowmilk, Goatmlik and Soursop

Doi :

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