Noise-induced Hearing Loss - A Universal Phenomenon among Cotton Spinning Mill Workers

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Puri Mahesh

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

A cross-sectional study among 497 male workers working for more than 5 years in a cotton spinning mill in a rural area was conducted to assess prevalence and some epidemiological factors associated with noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), and to measure noise levels in various sections to which workers are exposed. The NIHL was assessed as per WHO definition by diagnostic audiometer ELKON -EDA -3N3. The noise level assessment was done in different working shift timings by BOSSTEK -7 Range Sound Level Meter. Though there was no profound hearing impairment in any of the study subjects, 78.07% of the study subjects have shown definite NIHL amongst them. Though NIHL was universal amongst the study subjects exposed to category III noise level, 68.35% of study subjects amongst 79 study subjects exposed to category II were also found to have NIHL. Even amongst the 158 study subjects exposed to category I noise level, 46.83% were having NIHL. Among study population, 68.2% of the study subjects were exposed to noise level of more than 85 dB, out of which 260 study subjects (52.31%) were exposed to category III noise level, where NIHL was universal, i.e., 100%. It has been observed that the Doubling and Ring Frame sections were the noisiest sections, where 52.31% of the study subjects were working. Though 16.1% of the study subjects were using ear plugs, they were from Category II and Category III noise levels. Even at Category III noise level (>90 dB), the PPD usage was 18.85% where NIHL prevalence was 100%. The prevalence of NIHL had statistically significant association with age of worker, their educational status, length of service, workplace noise level and use of personal protective devices. Considering the high prevalence of NIHL among these workers, certain proactive measures including engineering measures are strongly recommended for the control and prevention of this preventable morbidity.

Keyword :

Noise-induced hearing loss, Noise levels, Personal protective devices.

Doi :

Journals Insights Open Access Journal Filmy Knowledge Hanuman Devotee Avtarit Wiki In Hindi Multiple Choice GK