Morphometric analysis of pre and post operative facial angles following rhinoplasty

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Renu Rajguru*, Anubhav Singh, Garima Rajguru, Dibya Jyoti Boruah

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Introduction: Facial aesthetic surgery requires a thorough preoperative analysis of face and identification of problems to frame a comprehensive surgical plan. The conceptions of an attractive face must be analyzed beforehand. Powell and Humphrey had defined facial angles and had formulated range which would be perceived as attractive. Objective: To compare the change in pre- and post-operative nasolabial, nasofrontal and nasofacial angles in patients undergoing Rhinoplasty. Materials and Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted from October 2014 to October 2019 in ENT department of a tertiary care hospital. Twenty-one patients undergoing Rhinoplasty and fulfilling the inclusion criteria were considered as study population. Their pre- and post-operative profile photographs were taken for morphometric analysis. The nasolabial, nasofrontal and nasofacial angles were measured and compared, before and one month after the surgery in profile pictures. Results: A significant change in the nasolabial and nasofacial angles were seen following Rhinoplasty. The mean nasofrontal angle showed an increase following Rhinoplasty but was not found significant. Conclusions: Rhinoplasty results in significant change in nasofacial and nasolabial angles and in expert hands, is expected to restore the various facial angles to their acceptable range.

Keyword :

Rhinoplasty, Nasolabial, Nasofrontal, Nasofacial angles, Morphometric measurements.
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